Writing by own will for the society. Study | Think | Acknowledge | Learn | Respect

Sunday, January 16, 2011

2011 - Fresh Start

I just being transfered to other department. I feel more comfortable, relax, stressless and the most important thing HAPPY!

It's good for me to start 2011 in a new role. Although i'll no longer be involve in lots of improvement projects, but still i can contribute in other way.

Good bye to all my colleagues in my previous department. Maybe some of you guys didn't like it, but this is the best solution. I would like to thank you guys for being so helpful all the while. I really appreciate it. Kindly pronounce below phrase like Upin & Ipin;
Bye kawan-kawan!

To my new colleagues, I like to thank you guys for the warm welcome and I'm very happy to work together with you guys. I would like to say thank you and I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Kindly pronounce below phrase like Upin & Ipin; Hai kawan-kawan!

2011 - The beginning of new decad. Cheers!

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