I sent an email the other day to RapidKL (suggest@rapidkl.com.my) with a list of complaints/suggestions about the LRT service.
A few hours later my email was replied to, and not just generic, but with a point by piont reply to all my moans and groans.
One of the complains was about a persistently broken ticket gate at an LRT station, which has remained unfixed for well over a week. I told them which gate it was, and asked them to fix it.
The very next morning as I walked through the station I saw the offending gate, with it's lid off and a man fixing it. Today it works perfectly.
I can only assume that the suggest@rapidkl.com.my service works so well, and is able to reply so quickly and thoughroughly, because nobody ever complains/points out faults/makes suggestions to RapidKL. Whilst many moan and groan and gripe, very few actually do so to the proper people. You may think it has no effect. Well I can tell you now, in my case the effect was almost immediate.
So there you go, start opening your mouths and moaning to the right people, and things may just start to improve, little by little.
The Star Blog Letter
Friday : October 2, 2009
I believe that if complains are made to the appropriate channel, the action sure will be taken by respective organization. For public transport itself, I found that Transitmy lead by Mr. Moaz are providing the info + complaint & suggestion on public transport in Klang Valley.
I also found that there is a discussion page on RapidKL named MYrapidKL at Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/MYrapidKL/140496997536
Other links for complaining & suggesting on public transport can be found at Transitmy website.
Therefore, use proper channel when making your complains so that action can be taken a.s.a.p.
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